March 9, 2023

Move Between the Strands

It has been about a week since the release of Lightfall, the hype has settled, and the grind is underway. But the grind is not so […]
March 1, 2023

Our Light has Fallen

How does one put into words what I have felt in the past 24 hours? Excitement, anxiety, stress, pain, and ecstasy. Probably, the best emotions to […]
March 11, 2022

Elden Ring: A Quest for Patience

As someone who is completely new to the Fromsoftware games, Elden Ring was a pretty steep learning curve. Even though I had a brief run-in with […]
February 28, 2022

The Caves and Cliffs of Minecraft

As a long-time Minecraft player, the Caves and Cliff’s update definitely piqued my interest when it was initially announced. I’ve taken a really long time to […]